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Vegetarian Tasting Menu at Indienne


Last year, Indienne became Chicago's first michelin-starred indian resturant. They've been on my radar, and I've finally had an opportunity to drop in -- and let me start the post off by saying it was a fantastic experience. Indianne has made fancy-tasting-menu versions of dishes that are completely different from the original thing, but still capture all the flavours perfectly. And it's not always in a way you'd expect!

They offer a couple different menus: vegetarian, pesceterian, vegan, and a non-vegetarian menu, all of which have their own wine pairings. We'd heard their non-veg menu leaned waaay more heavily into French influences than the veg one, so we opted to go (mostly) vegetarian, since we can get fancy French stuff at most places. I wanted to see star-worthy indian food -- not more white asparagus.

A couple notable things, if you're thinking of going: you pick the menu you want when you book, but they have supplemental courses/add-ons. Some places require everybody to order the same add-ons -- not the case here! We all got slightly different configurations of the menu/drinks, and even got the non-vegeterian menu's crab dish.

The avocado "kebab" and its pairing, the Entre Pedras Efusivo, was my favorite. The somm told us some cool stuff about the Azores: the island the wine is grown on had a lot of volcanic activity, leaving tons of ash and black basalt. Over generations, winemakers have used the basalt stone to build a huge network of walls around their grape vines, protecting them from salty sea spray. The vinyards on Pico are a world heritage site.

Jancis Robinson has an article that talks about the island, with a ton of pictures scattered through it, and a longer discussion about the grapes.

Centuries Old Vineyards (14762533930).jpg

By David Stanley from Nanaimo, Canada - Centuries Old Vineyards, CC BY 2.0, Link