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Thattu's New Supper Club


Thattu, an Indian comfort food restaurant that opened about a year ago, announced a supper club earlier this month: they'll deliver a prix fixe menu to your door on the last Tuesdays.

Now, I wouldn't normally go out of my way for a Regular Human Being Restaurant where you look at a menu and choose things. But a new-ish restaurant offering to bring me their very best work once a month is way more interesting, so we signed up straight away.

Thattu's pitch is novel: they're offering comfort food from Kerala. They've forgone the typical butter chicken for less-stereotypical dishes, it seems: we got a biriyani, but everything else was something you wouldn't find on Generic Curry House #238's menu.

We had to wait a bit while they settled on the first delivery date, but yesterday afternoon they swung by and left two bags packed full of treats. They came with a single-page sheet of reheating/serving instructions, which were clear, precise, and specific about everything, including which sauces go with which dishes.

Overall, I was pretty happy with it. I look forward to see what they'll send in September. I'm hoping it's a radically different menu -- I want to see more new things. I'm thinking it will be, since this whole meal was dishes they don't have on the lunch/dinner menus.

The shrimp puff was really nice: like a chef-y hotpocket, but seafood instead of mystery meat. The pastry itself held up very well to travel and reheating. It wasn't maximally crisp and flakey, but it was close to oven fresh several hours after being prepared, so I'll give them the W on that.

The mushroom mezhukkupuratti was a pretty simple dish: two types of mushrooms and some mashed-up peas. It was a little spicy, and generally delicious. I'm not sure what the coconut chips it was topped with were -- they didn't taste strongly of coconut like you'd expect from dried coconut meat? But they (and some chili crisp) added texture to anotherwise-very-mushy dish. This was probably my favorite savoury course!

The goat biriyani was exactly like it sounds: it was goat and rice. I dumped on some of the raita and inji puli to amp it up. The portion here was probably twice as large as it needed to be, given all the other courses.

I've never heard of inji puli before1. It's some sort of pickled spicy ginger situation. I really liked that paired with the tangy yogurt.

And that had a stir-fried amaranth & curry leave side dish with it. This was also probably portioned at 2x what it needed to be, but that works out since I've got leftovers for both paired dishes :V

Dessert was the best dish overall: chicory coffee cheesecake. It was beautifully cooked; custard-y like a fresh slice of pumpkin pie, and spiced oh-so-nicely. I regret this isn't available on their normal menu, because I'd like to go buy a couple whole chicory coffee cheesecakes for our fall office party...

We weren't sure exactly what we were getting, so the pairing was an unexciting pinot grigio. I poured a little port for dessert.

  1. Although I'd guess I've had it, perhaps already in dish, and it wasn't mentioned or I just don't remmeber.