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Super-fun Certificate Surprise


The team wanted to move the hostname for a static site on GitHub Pages over to being an app on AWS. We ran into a problem with AWS Certificate Manager: it didn't want to issue any certificates!

To set the stage, the initial state1 was basically: CNAME

This was all well and good: GitHub manages the certificates for Pages sites, so nobody gave it any thought.

Then, we turned this into a full-blown app. It needed an AWS Edge-optimized API Endpoint™, which is just CloudFront wearing a nice sport coat. This requires asking ACM to give us a certificate in us-east-1, and we did that, just like normal.

Except this was not normal: our "normal" is issuing certs for hostnames that don't exist yet. It's typically a clean slate. And that mattered here.

But, we submitted the AWS-equivilent of a certificate signing request (CSR), and ACM told us to create some records. DNS was meant to look like this:             CNAME  CNAME

I'm not entirely sure why ACM relies on CNAMEs for this instead of a TXT record. Maybe that value actually resolves to something if you're an AWS service, and they check that way? It's always seemed weird to me because the ACME DNS-01 challenge uses TXT records.

But: some paperwork mishaps occurred. What ended up in DNS was wrong. It ended up looking like this:             CNAME  CNAME

Not long after, we noticed AWS marked the CSR as failed. We noticed the bad value and asked the hostmaster to remove it. We did that and got a new CNAME target for a new CSR. DNS was then correctly configured thusly:             CNAME  CNAME

But the CSR was marked as failed again. I didn't think ACM respected the TTL, but that seemed like a reasonable explanation? Nothing on the page jumped out at me as a problem, so we deleted the record and sat around doing nothing for the duration of the TTL -- in this case, four hours.

After a lot of coffee, we did a new CSR, re-made the record, and got an immediate failure.


That was weird and I no longer had an easy explanation. I started nosing around the console a bit more.

Hidden away in a tooltip, the ACM console does give you an error message:

Status: Failed, which is underlined. There is a tooltip opened on this status code that says "One or more domain names has failed validation due to a certificate authority authorization, or CAA, error."

The CAA record is used to tell certificate issuers who should be allowed to issue certificates for the domain. They're supposed to check that and refuse if they aren't in the list of approved issuers.

This was confusing to me: there's no CAA record for yshi.org2?], and we've used ACM for certificate for hundreds of hostnames on this domain.

I started googling and pretty quickly found an answer. The certificate is for, which was still a CNAME pointed to

Finding the CAA record works by recursively checking the tree until you find a CAA record, or run out of parents. So typically, it works like this:

  1. CAA for => Not Found
  2. CAA for => Not Found
  3. CAA for org => Not Found
  4. No CAA, anyone can issue!

But, this uses DNS to resolve, and it followed the CNAME to What happened is:

  1. CAA for => Ope, this is a CNAME to
  2. CAA for => Not Found
  3. CAA for => Found!

Thus, AWS was checking the list of issuers in GitHub's CAA record. They were not present, so they refused to issue.

Once we understood the problem, we removed the CNAME and submitted one more CSR. This time, everything worked as expected.

Short Conclusion for Search Indexes

Certificate will follow CNAMEs and check the target's CAA record. This might cause a CAA error.

  1. All hostnames have been changed to protect the victims. 

  2. Actually, there is. I'm just using it for the story to avoid telling you the real hostname.