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Except from the Greydirge Chronicle


Here's an article clipped from the Greydirge Chronicle regarding an incident we had during our last session.

Tragedy struck today in the Gnashes: families out enjoying the beautiful weather were permanently snuffed out.

The families of a one Mr. Gabba Ghoul, of the Sprocket estate, and Mr. Hamburg Goldpence, of the Tax Collectors Union, were having a cookout on their houseboat. Aboard were three of the Goldpence children, seven of the Ghoul children, and Mrs. Ghoul.

"It was awful," said a Team Sprocket representative. "Lil' Goldpence had just climbed aboard. He was lookin' forward to the grilled corn. Just like Nona used to make, ya know? Urgathoa, the kiddies..."

Another witness spoke of the blaze: "it was the worst thing you could see, eh?"

The Greydirge Fire Department confirmed in a press conference earlier today that all souls aboard were lost.

"It's hard to describe the sense of loss the community is feeling. Usually with these incidents, the Reanimators can sort everybody out. But to have the remains of seven of our upstanding citizens burned away leaves them nothing to work with. There's no coming back from a blaze like that," said incident commander and 247-year GFD veteran Lt. Bonesmoulder. "We saved the boat, but it's small consolation to the grieving fathers."

The Tax Collector's Union has asked well-wishers to leave flowers, bone charms, and other small tokens at the shrine set up beside the pond.

Mr. Gabba Ghoul was not available for comment. His spokesman, a child-like flesh golem calling itself Arghun the Annihilator, categorically denied the blaze was set intentionally. "The Gabba Ghoul loved his family! He wouldn't slaughter innocents like that. He loved them so much that he had just taken out a huge insurance policy covering their first two deaths!"

Another resident of the Sprocket estate asked citizens to keep an eye out for Little Jimmy Ghoul. "He'd gone to fetch a deck of uno, arrrrr! Back when I sailed the seas, we spent a lot of time playing uno. Not for coins, of course, but for...more intimate prizes. Yarrr, my old I miss your tender embrace during the roughest of storms..."

The Gabba Ghoul had received a Surprise Family last time, and he decided to turn them into a more useful resource with a little insurance fraud.