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What's a Wangjangler?


A recurring, nebulously-defined magic item in our campaign is The Wangjangler. It spans time, space, and IPs to find a target, no matter where they are.

The idea is lifted from You Suck At Cooking, who defines "wangjangle" as "to stir or mix". Therefore, a "wangjangler" is any device used for that purpose.

At some point in time1, we needed to find a ghost that was haunting Elysium, a space resort we'd been invited to after saving the Pact Worlds for some R&R.

Much to the resort manager's dismay, things started going badly wrong. Space ghosts were blamed, and we were issued a device that would give us a hot/cold reading if we were near the "ghost". This device, a pile of junk held together with duct-tape, cucumber wheels, and magic, was dubbed the "wangjangler", on account of it being makeshift crap like its namesake so often is:

A man's arm with a cord tied from shoulder to hand. Various kitchen implements, like large spoons and mashers, are hung on the string. He is using one very awkwardly to wangjangle a bowl of chickpeas.

Despite every wangjangler being unique -- the ones used in Avernus were distinctly demonic, while the Eberron ones have been steam punk'd -- it has become a recurring character. There's no continuity between them, but they're our ever-present friend.

When the DM needs to get us from Point A to Point B with the minimum possible amount of sidetracking2, our good buddy the Wangjangler comes out, and we're always excited to see it.

  1. May 31st, 2019 

  2. The minimum is never, ever zero. But the risks of letting us roam the span of Khorvaire to gather relics from different manifest zone is simply too great. We need a guard rail or else we'll start a war between Karrnath and Breland. At minimum.